Sunday, 30 March 2014

Where an earth have I been?

Good question ...

I have been busy.  I have had both mine and my daughters birthdays during early March.  I am still whole30 compliant with odd paleo treats at weekends, like this Date and walnut cake from Elana's Pantry which is a blog I follow (she's also on facebook).

I have also had a throat infection (I seem to get one annually) and I have also been (starting to) renovate our long garden.  The plan is to split the garden into two main areas.  The first and immediate area (next to the house, outside the back door) will be our family garden.  The other bit (beyond the picket fence) will be the veg plot.  This will eventually house a shed at the very bottom, raised beds and a greenhouse.  This is where my chickens already free range.

It's a massive job because when we moved in it had been left for years and years and we have had to start from scratch and move trees, erect fencing all along the boundaries and all sorts.   We've actually done a lot but it doesn't show  ... yet!

Here's work in progress (this angle shows looking toward my little mid terrace house in the distance): -

 Here's the shed going up.  It's right at the very end of the garden and is a 12ft x 6ft one: -

From a health point of you despite the throat infection I still feel really well and I am very much still enjoying the food and lifestyle.

Hopefully see you soon!

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