Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Oops I've done it again ...

I went AWOL again ... sorry!

I am still here though and still going strong and I am very much still 100% Paleo and loving it.

I have been pretty busy.  The shed in the garden is up and looks good but we still have the greenhouse to add and the others bits.  There's a long way to go out there ...

 But I did make this mirror: -

I used an old/unused frame from Ikea which I took the glass out of and disregarded it. I then removed the backing and used this as a template to draw around over a plain cork notice board that I bought from a discount store.  I then cut out the cork board.  I was going to leave it like that but it was a bit beige so I considered painting it before deciding covering it in fabric would be better.  I found some stripe fabric in my stash (Ikea again) and stapled it around the board using my upholstery gun.  I then mounted the covered board in the frame and voila.  A simple, cheap and stylish pin board.

Don't forget to make the board a bit smaller to allow for the fabric making the board bigger when it comes to mounting it back in the frame. Best to cut little at a time so not to cut away too much.

My new pin board looks good with these two guys in my kitchen ....


Sunday, 30 March 2014

Where an earth have I been?

Good question ...

I have been busy.  I have had both mine and my daughters birthdays during early March.  I am still whole30 compliant with odd paleo treats at weekends, like this Date and walnut cake from Elana's Pantry which is a blog I follow (she's also on facebook).

I have also had a throat infection (I seem to get one annually) and I have also been (starting to) renovate our long garden.  The plan is to split the garden into two main areas.  The first and immediate area (next to the house, outside the back door) will be our family garden.  The other bit (beyond the picket fence) will be the veg plot.  This will eventually house a shed at the very bottom, raised beds and a greenhouse.  This is where my chickens already free range.

It's a massive job because when we moved in it had been left for years and years and we have had to start from scratch and move trees, erect fencing all along the boundaries and all sorts.   We've actually done a lot but it doesn't show  ... yet!

Here's work in progress (this angle shows looking toward my little mid terrace house in the distance): -

 Here's the shed going up.  It's right at the very end of the garden and is a 12ft x 6ft one: -

From a health point of you despite the throat infection I still feel really well and I am very much still enjoying the food and lifestyle.

Hopefully see you soon!

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Half term and .... 7 weeks on Whole30

We've just had half term which was lovely to step off of the hectic conveyor belt for a few days.  It's been busy but still really lovely.

I felt like I have achieved some good things.  I have ordered, and taken delivery of,  a nice big shed for the garden which will be half for storage and half as a workshop.  I now just need to find and buy a greenhouse.  Hopefully the garden will take shape over the coming months as we have BIG plans. I will take some 'Before' photos next week before the real work begins.

I have also been continuing to make my quilt and after piecing together what felt like zillions of pieces the top is almost finished.  

It's 7 weeks today and I am still Whole30 compliant.  I have lost a stone in weight and feel tons better but I am now breaking up with my scale as that's just another bad habit I want to break.  My Daughter is 17 in a week o I am going to find a Paleo (not Whole30) recipe for a cake or some sort of treat for her.  Her birthday is a week tomorrow (on a Monday) so that will be nicely after 2 whole months of Whole30. I was thinking making Paleo waffles or pancakes as she likes them.  By the way she was doing Whole30 with me for the last 7 weeks as has had some depression and anxiety issues which Whole30 has really helped. In fact its been remarkable and made much more difference than a year of therapy and pills.



Saturday, 15 February 2014

Happy Valentines

Yesterday was Valentines Day and I had a few nice surprises.  Mostly because I had already had my gift from my Partner a few weeks ago on a shopping trip.  He had bought me two dresses which I was really pleased with.  However, on Valentines I also got a lovely card and a Teddy Bear.  The Teddy Bear was wearing clothes and had a satchel around him.  In the satchel was a pouch and in the pouch was a heart pendant with the inscription 'Love'.  It's really gorgeous.

These are our cards on the shelf.  The one on the left was from him to me and the one on the right I made for him.  I hand stamped it and thought it was fun because we both love the film 'Grease'.

and here is my Teddy Bear.  He now lives on my bedside table and I'm calling him Valentine.  Of course.

We had a lovely dinner which was all Whole30 compliant. We had slow roasted Beef and herb crust with roasted sweet potatoes, sprouts,/chestnuts/(spoilt pig, whole30 compliant) bacon, carrot/swede mash and roasted parsnips. Afterwards my partner had a cream eclair (well, two actually) and I had a small portion of coconut meat.


Tomorrow will be 6 weeks on whole30.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

5 weeks and counting ...

Yep, I have done 5 weeks on Whole30 so far and don't feel the need to eat any differently. I still feel very well and very happy and I want to stay that way.

I have just had a nice weekend.  A busy one but it was really nice.  One more week then a week off work :)

So, this weekend I have mostly done lots of eating like this: -

and this (lunch in my sewing room on Saturday): -

and this: -

and finally after cutting more then 200 fabric pieces I finally started sewing my quilt: -

as well as some much needed down time in the evening reading my Paperwhite Kindle (which I love) in a comfy reading spot here: -

Happy days ...


Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Post Whole30. Where was I? … Where am I now?

Day 0, you will recall, I was ashamed.  I was in a rather rubbish state of health.  I was ashamed because I had been in really good shape and great health previously.  I had once upon a time had a healthy outlook on life and had always made a really conscious decision not to eat anything out of a packet.  I consumed nothing processed and I had been tee-total for over 10 years!  I had an excellent figure, a sensible BMI and was very fit and healthy.  I was proud to have run 13 half marathons, 2 duathlons and 3 race for life events.  On day 0 I even confessed  the fact that my child was profoundly Autistic and barely slept didn't used to make me tired either.  So what happened?  well, unfortunately life happened ... marriage separation, divorce, house move, new job and new partner happened …. Oh, and a 3 stone weight gain happened!

I had basically slipped and become someone I didn’t even recognise anymore.  I had, over time, reintroduced alcohol and all kinds of processed food.  I had even switched my daily 2 litres of water for nearly as much Pepsi and it was killing me.

So, 31 days ago I was at that point when you know you have to do something but all you can do is cry because of the impossible task in front of you and lets face it no one really enjoys hard work especially with no guaranteed results do they? and by that I mean a low calorie commercial diet which basically make you miserable and if you do get lucky and lose some weight you don't actually feel better.

It was no good to keep asking myself ‘how an earth did I let that slip away?’ Because I had and somehow it was time to look forward.  Thankfully my good friend (who clearly loved me more than I loved myself) told me all about Whole30 and I was instantly hooked.  This was just what I needed - a new and sensible lifestyle choice.

30 whole days later (and all those days are blogged) I have completely Whole30 and the results speak for themselves. I never once felt resentful or deprived and I never had any of the flu like symptoms or anger issues I had prepared myself for. It still would have been worth it by the way!

I had only one headache for the whole duration and that was the first day which I suspect kicking my Pepsi addiction was the cause.  Only one headache in a month is crazy for me as I constantly had head aches before which I always blamed on my tiredness.  Talking of which ....  I slept better.  I don’t generally sleep much and I certainly couldn’t/can't get the recommended 8 hours a night, try as I might, but my boy keeps me up with his nocturnal activities and nappy changes.  However,  I noticed on the same amount of rubbish sleep I felt more refreshed and rested.  My skin was/is clearer and I am told I look fresher.  My partner told me I look brighter and in a weird way younger too but I think that's because I am happier.  Am I allowed to say I think he fancies me more?? Anyway, my hair dresser said my hair condition had changed for the better and my eyes were sparkling,  “so what are you up to?” she asked wanting to know my secret which of course I shared.

It was never going to be about the weight loss as for me it was about taking control back and feeling good again.  I still lost 9 lbs in weight bringing my BMI down from 29.1 to 27.7. Result. Furthermore and probably the most fascinating thing for me was that I dropped an inch off my hip measurement, an inch off the top of each thigh and a whopping 3 inches off both my bust and my stomach.

I can honestly say that I have found my Whole30 journey totally enjoyable as I now feel fantastic and incredibly optimistic. I have therefore decided to keep going but to just have the odd thing off plan when I really need to – like if I was at a wedding banquet or out on a special occasion and it was not possible to eat so clean.  I have chosen that most of all I want to stay eating clean and I definitely wont let any Pepsi back in the house.  I believe in Whole30 not as a diet but as a way of life and a lifestyle choice I choose.

In short, Whole30 made me determined, whole30 gave me my life and health back but one thing Whole30 did not do …. was make me hungry :)

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Day 30. I did it!

It's day 30.  I feel really, really good and I feel really, really happy but more about my actual journey tomorrow. Today this is short and sweet as I will be writing in full tomorrow about my whole30 experience.

I cooked cod tonight.  I had a whole half of a cod fish and so I cut it into pieces and then cut strips of bacon and dressed it on top.  I baked it in the oven wrapped in foil and toward the end I opened the foil to help crisp up the bacon.

This is it before it went in the oven.  Unfortunately (and again) I forgot to take the after photo.  I am too greedy!

So until my Whole30 recap he's my food today: -

Day 30 :)


Hard boiled egg
Cherry wine tomatoes
Raw carrot
Closed handful of cashews


Cherry vine tomatoes
Spring onions


Oven baked cod with spoilt pig bacon
Roast sweet potatoes
Closed handful of almonds


Monday, 3 February 2014

Day 29

Bizzy B is back from respite and has big dark grey and red patches around and under his eyes which is known as 'Allergic Shiners' and usually means he has eaten something he is allergic to, like dairy.  I can't ask him and he can't tell me so I will have to ring the children's home he stays in to ask.  Things like this make me think even more about the sorts of foods we put in our bodies and what it does to us.  I am so close to the end of my Whole30 I can't believe it!  I will blog in further detail on the 31st day as tomorrow is day 30 so is technically still part of the program.

Tonight after dinner I have cut up a further 105 pieces of fabric for my quilt.  I have back ache ... I must be getting old.  All the preparation takes time but it will finally feel good to start piecing it together on my sewing machine.

At the weekend I started reading 'The fault in our stars' by John Green this has just wrapped up its filming and will be out in the cinemas in the Summer and I am reading it as part of the monthly book club that A Beautiful Mess is doing which is a blog I love. My first impression of the book is that I really love it. 

Here's what I have had to eat on day 29: -


Hard boiled egg
Cherry vine tomatoes
Closed handful of cashews


Left over bolognese sauce
Cherry Vine Tomatoes
Closed handful of cashews


Salmon fillet
Roast Sweet potatoes
Roasted veg consisting of:

Red, yellow and green peppers
Garlic (added over half way through otherwise they shrivel up)
Cherry vine tomatoes (these were added toward the end so they didn't perish in the heat)

Here is a photo of it about to go in the oven. Yum.


Sunday, 2 February 2014

Day 28 ... it's Sunday

Day of rest ... sort of! Well, I had a fairly relaxing morning and I prepared and started cutting up my fabric for my pending quilt.  I took a break at lunch to make us a cooked breakfast and my partner helped with that.  They are always very labour intensive aren't they?

Anyway after lunch the cutting resumed and it's still not finished.  Mind you I am talking about sorting, measuring, colour matching and cutting 405 pieces of fabric. 245 to go ...

Here's a few I have done

in other news Murphy the Black Lab ate my favourite leather gloves which I have had forever :-( I hope I can find a suitable replacement.  They were amazing. My partner and my Daughter are going on a hunt to two separate places to find out.  Fingers crossed.

Here is the rest of my day 28 in food: -


Last of the leftover pork
Cherry tomatoes


Cooked breakfast consisting of: Fried eggs, mushrooms, cherry vine tomatoes and homemade sausage patties. I also had a side salad in a separate bowl.


Homemade bolognese sauce with extra mushrooms and peppers
Roast Sweet potatoes
Small portion of coconut meat

Sorry about the photo I had already started eating when I realised I should actually have taken a picture ... oops

I made the same for my partner apart from he had his extras like his favourites (he's not on my journey) which was - Baked beans, friend bread, commercial sausagesand I can honestly say I did not miss them.

Yay for me.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Day 27 ... out and about

This weekend Bizzy B is away on respite which happens once every 4 weeks.  He goes to his special needs school on Friday morning and transport take him to the children's home and they bring him back to school on Monday morning.  I miss him terribly but I do find the rest very valuable.  It gives me some time and space to recover a bit and a chance for me to spoil the other members of my family who usually miss out.

Usually, I am guilty of being so tired I don't actually go out or do anything exciting.  This weekend though we decided that we should do something so my Partner and I planned a day out shopping. So, we went to the city of Bath.  It was perfect.  I wont go into detail but being a parent to a profoundly Autistic child who can't communicate, who wears nappies full time and has aggressive tendancies is tough and it puts paid to even the most simple and ordinary things  - like going to the shops.

It's not my birthday for 5 weeks but we thought we would go and I could choose some presents.  So my partner treated me to a new coat (embarrassingly mine was a few years old and looked it ... you know when it goes bobbly and the linning is torn and the fastenings are dodgy ... the whole thing was past it!). 

and he also got me these ....

I have huge plans this year for our garden and I have been saving for a new shed and greenhouse so that can help contribute towards my lifestyle choice.  I grew up in a household that grew their own fruit and vegetables and it was brilliant.  I miss it. So these boots will come in very handy for the garden as well as all this rain we are having and maybe if we get any snow.  The welly socks really make them too and I love the colour of the boots which is 'Mint'.

Anyway, this was the first day during whole30 (on Day 27) that I have actually been out and about for lunch time (not counting the funeral) so that shows that I don't go out much.  so after a hearty breakfast I packed a salad in a tub and took a cold bottle of water to drink with the intention of buying some protein in the form of plain prawns. 

I bought a pack of plain prawns with a cocktail sauce on the side (which of course I did not even open or eat) and a small box of plain cashews which I only ate half of and another bottle of water. 

So in all I had a lovely day and this is what I ate altogether on Day 27 ...


Leftover pork fried in the pork jelly (fat removed)
Raw carrot
Cherry vine tomatoes


(As above)
Plain prawns
Red Pepper
Cherry vine tomatoes
Raw carots
Closed handful of cashew nuts


Fried chicken
Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Garlic mushrooms made with ghee and parsley
Small portion of coconut meat.

what a lovely day :)

Friday, 31 January 2014

Day 26 ...

Sorry, really, really quick post tonight!


Hard boiled egg
Red Pepper
Closed handful of cashews


Steamed mackerel
Red pepper
cherry vine tomatoes


Italian Slow Roast Pork
Roast Sweet Potatoes
Small portion of coconut meat

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Day 25 .... and loving it!

Right now as I type this, at the end of the evening, I have another pork joint in the slow cooker for our Friday night dinner ... I may actually tire that slow cooker out at this rate if I am not careful.

I did some shopping today after work and stocked up on a few bits.  Managed to snag a pack of ready to eat just Prawns at a third of the usual price which I had and enjoyed with my salad for lunch when I got home afterwards.

 and just to update you about my egg boiler it is brilliant as I use it everyday in the evening to boil eggs for the next day then when they naturally cool I refrigerate them.  It's very convenient.  It makes perfect eggs for my purpose and then they are on hand when needed.

So these free range happy girls in my garden   ....

... produce all these...

and they often end up on my plate like this, yum :)

At the supermarket I found 'Spoilt Pig' Bacon which is compliant so I will have that Sunday when I plan a cooked breakfast ... only at lunch time!

Anyway ...

Here's my day: -


Left over bolognese
Red pepper
Raw carrot
Closed handful of cashew nuts


Hard boiled egg
Red pepper
Raw carrot
Closed handful of cashews


Duck legs
Roasted sweet potatoes
Small portion of coconut meat


Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Day 24 ... Jelly roll

It's not food but it looks and sounds tasty.  I thought it was time I posted something less foody as my 30 days are coming to an end.  This is a fabric jelly roll from Moda as I am starting a new quilt.

This will keep me busy in the evenings and weekends.

For now though here is the food I had today: -


Hard Boiled egg
Cherry tomatoes
Closed handful of cashews


Raw carrot
Cherry tomatoes
Small portion of coconut meat


Homemade Bolognese sauce
Roasted sweet potatoes


Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Day 23 the biggest challenge ...

... is actually blogging everyday not the healthy new lifestyle choice ... although that took up a lot of time tonight because I cooked Salmon Fish cakes courtesy of the recipe book 'Well Fed 2'.

Once again though I missed taking the photo at the end, which is typical, but I did manage to get a few during the cooking process.

Here is some of the ingredients weighed and ready

and the completed mix ready to be chilled before forming into patties and cooking brushed with ghee.

They were a hit, especially for my Daughter who had second helpings.

Anyway, the rest of the day (that's Day 23 :) tee hee ) looked like this:


Hard boiled egg
Cherry tomatoes
Closed handful of cashew nuts


Steamed Mackerel
Cherry tomatoes
Raw carrot


Salmon Fishcakes (homemade)
Roast Sweet Potatoes
Cherry tomatoes

Small portion of coconut meat.

Looks like I scored a hat trick on the cherry tomatoes. 


Monday, 27 January 2014

Day 22 ... Happy Monday

Not much to report today but everything is still good.  Enjoyable and good.  I might try another reciept tomorrow ... hopefully.

Here's what I had today: -


Leftover lamb fried off in the juice
Cherry tomatoes


Homemade scotch egg
Raw Carrot
Cherry tomatoes
Closed handful of cashews


Duck legs
Roasted Sweet Potatoes


Sunday, 26 January 2014

Day 21 - Has it really been 3 weeks?

Happy Sunday.

Today I did a fairly substantial food shop and then made some Ghee.  I burnt it then made some more  ... but I pulled it off the second time.  Why is it that you watch something like a hawk and then the minute you walk into another room to get your raw carrot (my dog Murphy likes them too ;) ) your ghee burns ... doh!

Anyway here are the stages in the process

I slow cooked a big shoulder of lamb most of the day for our evening dinner.  It inevitably shrunk but tasted gorgeous.  This is how it started out with a few shallots around it, some infused garlic and a herb rub of rosemary.

Here is day 21 in full


Hard boiled egg
Closed handful of cashews


Homemade Scotch Egg
Cherry tomatoes
Raw carrot


Slow roast shoulder of lamb
Roasted sweet potatoes

:) :) :)

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Day 20

It's been quite a lazy day for me which I needed.  I spend all week rushing around and so today gave me some light relief.

Bizzy B was with his Dad today so I generally took it easy and I caught up with some paperwork, went through my e mails, watched a film and researched some recipes.... that kinda day.

I had the left over Pork for breakfast.  I used the stock that I drained out of the slow cooker (which I had chilled then separated the fat from it) and used this to fry the pork in.  When it heats up it turns back to liquids.  It was amazing.  The fact that this juice is in jelly format when chilled is great as it  is full of good protein which is good for us.  It's also really tasty. Who needs gloopy unhealthy gravy.

and here it is cooking


Here is my food on Day 20


Leftover pork
Cherry tomatoes
Closed handful of cashews


Oven baked Fish - Sea Bream (left) and Dab (right).
(Got these at the combined bargain price of  £1.25 from the fresh fish counter!)
Gem lettuce
Raw carot
Cherry tomatoes


Crispy chicken thighs
Roasted sweet potatoes
Sprout crisps
Garlic mushrooms made with ghee

Small portion of coconut meat


Friday, 24 January 2014

Day 19 ... Friday again

So, the pork turned out fab again.  It was a bigger joint this time so there's leftovers in the fridge for tomorrow.  Yum.

I also made another batch of Scotch eggs.  I used my egg boiler to get the eggs ready.

... and they turned out fab too.  They make amazing lunch box food which is handy when out and about.

My food today was: -


Hard Boiled egg
Red Pepper
Closed handful of cashews


Leftover Bolognese and mince sauce
Raw carot
Red pepper



Slow Roasted Italian pork
Roasted sweet potatoe

Small portion of coconut meat


Thursday, 23 January 2014

Day 18 and look what's in the slow cooker ...

It's day 18 and I have a big Pork Shoulder joint in the slow cooker.  I am using the Italian Roast Pork Slow roasted recipe again from the blog The Clothes make the girl as it was so amazing last Friday.  I put it on this evening for tomorrow night.  I have it on low for now and then in the morning with turn the heat up to high so that by Friday night it will just fall apart.  Yum.

I had a hair cut today and my hairdresser commented on my skin and hair.  Yay, for Whole30.

Today I had: -


Hard boiled egg
Red pepper
Closed handful of cashews


Raw carot
Red pepper
Closed handful of cashews


Roasted sweet potatoes

I have eaten plenty and I feel satisfied but in truth I am still thinking about tomorrows dinner :)

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Day 17

So much going on today so no time to stop much.  Although I have received my egg boiler and used it today so that helped me and it works a treat.  So, from now I am boiling eggs the night before and popping them in the fridge until we need them.  It really helps.

So just to skip to the food today as I am pressed for time: -


Hard Boiled egg
Cherry tomatoes
Closed handful of cherry tomatoes


Homemade Scotch Egg
Cherry tomatoes
Raw Carot
Red Pepper


Crispy Chicken Thighs
Roasted Sweet Potato
Roasted veg: Red, green and yellow pepper, mushrooms, onions, garlic and courgette


Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Day 16 - and I remembered the Scotch egg photo!

I won't have too much time today, tomorrow and Thursday to blog as lots on but I am still on this fab journey and enjoying every part.  I feel good inside and out and those sugar cravings are as good as gone. Good.

One of the most noticeable things is the fact that although Bizzy B dictates my sleep (when and how much etc) but when I do get some sleep, since Whole30, I have had more restful sleep and I am therefore feeling more refreshed the next morning even though I am managing on the same amount as before.  Amazing.

Anyway here is day 16: -


Hard boiled egg
Cherry tomatoes
Closed handful of cashews

Lunch: -

Homemade Scotch egg
Raw carot
Gem Lettuce
Cherry tomatoes
Closed handful of cashews


Belly pork
Roasted sweet potatoes


Monday, 20 January 2014

Day 15 ... Half way, oh Yeah!

Yes day 15 officially marks half way and I am actually loving it.

I am, however, very sorry that I forgot to photograph my lunch aka Scotch egg and salad as I totally got carried away and snaffled it before I remembered so I will try again tomorrow.

In work today there was a massive tray of bakery cakes that were delivered from the local bakery and of all places they were right on the end of my desk all morning.  I didn't need one and it didn't bother me either which was really amazing.  I could smell them and I can still appreciate the nice smell but it didn't make me want them or need them and I didn't feel bad for not being able to eat one either. 
One thing I really did enjoy though was watching and listening to other people coming and going with excuses and leaving with a cake.  I heard things like 'I shouldn't really but ...' and 'I'll start again tomorrow' and 'I've been good recently so ..' ha ha, honestly ... and it was the most entertaining part of my day and I was really pleased as I am no longer using one of those excuses, thank goodness, and try as they might the others couldn't persuade me to eat one either as I simply kept repeating 'I don't snack between meals' and I was the only one telling the truth!

So, the rest of my day 15 was like this: -


Hard Boiled Egg
Cherry tomatoes
Half an avocado


Homemade Scotch Egg
Raw carot
Closed handful of cashews


Steak mince burger
Onions and Mushrooms cooked in Ghee
Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Cherry tomatoes

Roll on day 16 ...  :)

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Day 14 and I made Ghee and Scotch eggs!

It's Sunday again and therefore it's day 14.  I have successfully managed 14 clean days. It really is a journey of discovery for me - where food and in particular taste is concerned.  Salad is really tasting amazing and so is fruit .... never thought I'd say that.

I also made my first Ghee today from organic non salted butter.  I only made a small amount but it was pretty straight forward so I will make a bigger batch next time.

This is the Ghee (Clarified butter) I made: -

This is all the gunk that I strained out

I also made 10 scotch eggs! But I will show you a photo tomorrow.

So here's my food today on day 14: -


Hard Boiled Egg
Half an avocado
Cherry Tomatoes


Baked Sweet Poatoe
Closed handful of cashew nuts


Scotch egg
Cherry tomatoes
Roasted Sweet potatoes

