Sunday 5 January 2014

Day 0

I am ashamed to admit not only have I been a bad blogger after saying I would be a better one I am ... (from a health point of view) in a rather rubbish state.  Let me explain ...

Over two years ago I was in really good shape and great health.  I had a healthy outlook as some time before that I had made a really conscious decision to not eat anything out of a packet, nothing processed and I had been tee total for over 10 years!  I had an excellent BMI was fit as an ox and was  running half marathons.  Even the fact that my child was profoundly Autistic and barely slept didn't make me tired but now, sadly, over two years on I am 3 stone heavier and feeling more lethargic and rubbish than I have ever felt in my whole life.  I have literally stuffed my way through piles and piles of processed food and I even reintroduced alcohol.  What happened? ..... separation and pending divorce happened ..... oh and a house move, a new partner and a job on top! Ok, enough of the excuses but for far too long I have been feeling rubbish and in need to kick start myself then my best friend told me about Paleo which I felt was very similar to how I had eaten before with perhaps a bit more leniency. Originally I had eaten like a cave man after having some private nutritional tests for my son to see if he suffered any ill effects from his diet.  I basically wanted to find out if his Autism was allergy induced.It wasn't according to the data but they said if I wanted to maintain a healthy weight the best way would be to eat like a caveman to suit me. So I did.

Anyway today is day 0 and so tomorrow is the start of something new.  For 30 days I plan to make myself well again.

Wish me luck .... 

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