Tuesday 7 January 2014

Day 2

Yay, day 2 and all is still well ... better actually than day one because I suppose I have another day under my belt and I made it.  Again not hungry only if I over shoot meal times which I did twice today as I have been super busy.

I spent the day at work and had a late (very late) lunch at 4pm and then went to Miss C (my Daughters) College for an open evening event and didn't eat Dinner until 9.45pm.  In normal circumstances I would neither do this or recommend this but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do but at least I didn't cave in to the biscuits and vending machines (Yay me!) and I even took along a bag of chopped carrots to keep me going ... which they did.

So, todays meals consisted of: -


Boiled egg
Half an avocado
Cherry tomatoes


Gem Letttuce leaves
Half an avocado
Cherry tomatoes


Chopped raw carrot


Roast chicken
Sweet potato roasters made with some duck fat brushed on

followed by: -

A portion of fresh coconut

Usual gallons of water (I don't drink coffee etc)


The coconut (by the way) was a nightmare to crack but I eventually succeeded although lets just say I know how Tom Hanks felt in playing his character in Cast Away ....!

Sorry no photos as it was just a crazy day and I, unfortunately, have another crazy day tomorrow which I am not looking forward to BUT I am looking forward to Day 3.

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